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Christmas Tea Party


For those of us here in the United States, Christmastime is typically full of joyful family celebrations, gift giving, and overeating.  Such is not the case for many of our Kingdom children all over the world.  The children at the Camp for the Needy celebrated Christmas this year without their families, and instead, as part of a makeshift family alongside others who have been orphaned by the Boko Haram.  As a result, they missed out on some of the traditional Christmastime experiences.

As a result of generous giving and a desire to bless these children with the love of Christ at Christmas, the GTGIM family was able to supply the children at the Camp for the Needy with something special!  Pastor Solomon, the director of the Camp, advised GTGIM that one of the most memorable traditions these children shared with their families at Christmas was a snack of hot Lipton tea and toast bread with jelly.  GTGIM was able to sponsor 1500 loaves of bread, 1500 tea bags, cream, sugar, and lots (and lots) of jelly as a treat to these special children of God.  We also supplied several new soccer balls for the community.  As evident from the photos below, the children truly enjoyed their special Christmas blessing – and it was all made possible by the loving hands of the body of Christ coming together!



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