Dear friends and family of Glory to God International Ministries (GTGIM),
Now that you have experienced Part 1 and Part 2, of the “Guardians of Hope” tour, here is the “more to come” that we promised you. We invite you to experience Part 3 where Jim and team have just finished their visit at the IDP camp, and now moved on to the KMGS church service.
Founded by Pastor James and Rosemary
Jim and GTGIM ambassadors attend the house Church of Pastor Peter. Jim has the privilege of bringing the Word to the church. Pastor Peter pastors several churches in Benin City.
At the same time Jim and guests were on their way to church, Susan, Jim’s wife in Kentucky, was awakened to the song: “There is joy in the house of the Lord!” Only God!
Her prayer was for God’s holy Purpose, presence, and power to rock the house and the manifestation of Jesus Christ himself would be poured out over all those in attendance and Holy Spirit would infill with His presence and bring overflow. Her prayer over Jim was for him to be used as a Holy Vessel to be the oracle of God for these precious souls. Her prayer, united with all the prayers of the intercessors, are near and dear to the heart of God and so necessary for this journey.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
Pictured Left to Right Pastor Emmanuel, Amelia, Jim (😳) and Pastors wife. A Day to celebrate our brother, Louis. Many prayers and tears were shed.
Jim and the GTGIM ambassadors visited Pastor Louis and his church. Pastor Louis is a long-time acquaintance from Jim and Susan’s very first trip but also a very dear brother in Christ who was always by Jim’s side in ministry wherever Jim went…. that is until Louis had a major stroke that left him paralyzed in many ways and unable to function on his own. His wife, Beatrice, has been his main caretaker and Amelia has been a major support and encouragement to them both. Pastor Louis is truly the most amazing evangelist Jim and Susan have ever known. He invested his life introducing and bringing people to Jesus wherever he went and at any hour. Jim has felt led by the Lord to celebrate Pastor Louis and his life with the GTGIM team while in Nigeria.
“I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” Matthew 25:26
The group photo to close the session. What a wonderful experience at the Lagos Chapel.
Jim and the GTGIM shared an afternoon together with Team building exercises and roundtables.
A visit to the Beth Tory Handicap Center was on the Itinerary for this journey, however, it wasn’t feasible for Jim to make it this time. We are grateful to Sister Amelia who, on behalf of the GTGIM team and ambassadors, visited and delivered all the gifts that were designated for the Center.
These journeys are never without demonic push back, and that same force that tries to work against us, can be the very thing that provides learning opportunities to propel us forward in perseverance, wisdom, and strength.
We are truly grateful for God’s hand of protection over the team and for Jim’s safe return. Thank you to everyone who participated in this “Guardians of Hope” pilgrimage. On behalf of our GTGIM US and Nigerian Team, we extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who came alongside, who prayed, who interceded, who believed, who persevered and made a great sacrifice. Mostly, we are thankful for the great sacrifice of Jesus, who ultimately paid the greatest sacrifice! May we embrace the mystery of the KINGDOM – “Christ in us – the hope of glory.”
Glory to God!
Your GTGIM family