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Nigeria Trip 2016 – Reflecting Back by Jim Corbett


To His Faithful,

“Bridging ministries to serve widows, orphans, prisoners & sojourners.”

This is the mission statement of GTGIM, and our heart beat.  James 1:27 states that, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit Orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”  And the Kingdom Dynamics New Spirit Life Bible (Nelson Amplification version) puts it this way: “A heart for the helpless, serving Human need.”

Those things closest to the Father’s heart, the things that He views as precious, revolve around “caring for the needy and personal holiness.” God’s majesty and power are best understood in light of His tender compassion towards orphans and widows. When His children care for the distressed, their actions are pure and faultless in God’s view because they reflect His heart. We can (and should) evangelize, fast, study, and pray, but our looking out for and defending the helpless brings pleasure to God without qualification.

Please join us now to celebrate what God has given us in the physical, (see our trip agenda HERE, ALL HE HAS DONE!!) God allowed us to accomplish everything you see on the agenda, plus add two additional prison visits and an additional charity home visit to the So-Said Charity Home for the vulnerable women of Lagos. What a privilege to extend the very love of God to so many of His children in need of His touch. All you who are reading this message have given of your breath in prayer and perhaps with financial support. We bring all you’ve given to the feet of Jesus on your behalf, and pray God will bless you mightily with His unwavering presence in your heart. I consider it my privilege to be His servant and as such I am also yours.




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