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Sept. 2016 Nigeria Trip – Day Eight & Nine


As we enter the weekend, the GTGIM team is returning to the IDP camp for two days of meetings with the pastoral staff, teachers, and administrators.  One of the primary goals of GTGIM is to enable the different ministries that we’re involved with to become self-sufficient.  These trips to Nigeria are wonderful for observing progress, refreshing the saints, and sowing further into God’s Kingdom.  However, we want the good work to continue when we leave!  Since the last trip to Nigeria, the work has certainly continued at the IDP Camp.  Pastor Solomon and his staff were very transparent about the challenges and hardships they experience on a daily basis (with so many children that need so much care) but were also so excited to share how much they’re experiencing God’s blessing and continual care for them all!  The conditions are hot and crowded, yet the sharing of hardships in the camp has brought unity between the children that we may never get to experience.  The pastors and staff members have each found their particular place in serving at the camp, and are flourishing within their God-given purposes.  Over 300 children have been placed back in “forever homes” with family members, usually within the villages from which they came!  God is using GTGIM to accomplish His will on Earth, and it is such a joy to get to see it happening.  Thank you for being a part of this journey with us!

One of the most exciting upcoming programs being introduced at the camp in November is called Anti-Virus.  Anti-Virus is a program from Leader’s Edge (a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing leaders) for use in middle school and high school settings.  Currently, the Anti-Virus program is being used by 3,500 students across 40 different schools in Ohio who are going to be connected with the seniors at the IDP Camp in November, when they begin using the program as well.  By way of daily Skype sessions, the students will learn about each other’s cultures, and get to see God work across nations.  Check out the video below for more on Anti-Virus:

By Friday evening, Jim was at the church of Pastor James and his wife, Rosemary, for praise and worship, and the dedication of a new school that the church built called The Kingdom Mandate School.



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