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Sept. 2016 Nigeria Trip – Day Five & Six


After traveling, preaching, and visiting two prisons on Sunday, the team took Monday to rest and catch up with Margaret and the GTGIM team in Port Harcourt.  One member of the team, a recent addition, is a bishop in Port Harcourt, and a man who has been very taken with the work of GTGIM.  He has been working closely with Margaret, and was so happy to help our team that he to be their personal driver!  What an honor to have this prominent citizen of Port Harcourt be so willing to offer his services.  He spent the entire day with Jim and Margaret, praying for the rest of the trip, and for all that God has been doing in the prisons.  Margaret has developed a team of 12 members in Port Harcourt that have a passion for sharing God’s word and bringing hope where there was none.  Margaret is a fierce warrior for Christ, and a loving sister who is always full of life and enthusiasm.  The essence of Christ in her has brought 12 others into her ministry!  God’s blessings are growing exponentially in ways that may seem small to the world’s eyes, but if even ONE is brought to Christ because of the work our team is doing, then it is ALL worth it.  GTG!

On Tuesday, the team visited the Remand Farm in Port Harcourt before heading back to Benin City.  The Remand Farm is a working farm where prisoners can complete their sentence by working the fields and learning a trade that directly benefits their peers.  The crops are used to feed the other prisoners within the Port Harcourt prison system.  Margaret has developed relationships with multiple prisons in her city, and is welcome at any time, along with any visitors she brings along.  She and her team brought refreshments and hygiene products for the prisoners and Jim gave a greeting, followed by a time of worship, and then a message from Pastor Louis.  The bishop closed out the visit with a powerful prayer, and eight of the men came forward to give their lives to Christ!

That evening Jim had the opportunity to dine with Pastor James Oemi and his wife, Rosemary, who are faithful friends, and have been alongside Jim throughout the 14 years that he has been visiting Nigeria.  On Wednesday he will return to Solid Rock Church in Benin City to address a team of roughly 60 pastors that were previously mentored by Pastor Francis.  Please continue to pray for safe travel, renewed energy, and most of all, that God be glorified in and pleased by the work of His servants.



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