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Sept. 2016 Nigeria Trip – Day Three


Yesterday was a full day in Benin City for the GTGIM team as they headed out to the Camp for the Needy (IDP Camp).  It’s amazing what a difference 8 months makes.  Jim reported that the children were all smiling, laughing and praising God, clean, well-mannered and seemed happy!  The first order of business was to dedicate the La Red Hygiene Centers and the science lab.  After the dedications, the GTGIM team was able to bless the children with a special gift of lollipops.  Jim and Sue’s granddaughter, 6-year-old Gloria, was very eager to bless the children and decided that lollipops would be something they might enjoy, and so she offered $10 she had saved up to purchase the gift.  The children at the IDP camp were thrilled to have such a rare treat.  What a joy to share our blessings with Kingdom children all around the world!

Lastly, Grace and Esther, two of the young girls in the camp, were awarded scholarships to continue their education.  The scholarships were donated and designated for each of them by individual donors.  Grace is a senior in high school and has been an interim “maternal” figure to young Esther, whom you may remember from the video on our Home page.  Grace has hopes to attend college and study writing after graduation.  Esther, who is only 8 or 9 years old, has been blessed by the love and care that she receives from all at the camp, but especially Grace.  Thanks to the generous hearts of our donors, we have been able to help these children experience the love of Christ, even in the midst of their trauma.  Thank you for your continued support!



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